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Meet global standards for privacy and security.

Third party Compliance and Resource center

The Open Constitution AI network is a collection of digital public goods and services. These services are deployed on our servers, which are housed on computing infrastructure controlled by a service provider under a shared responsibility model.

‘'Muellners Foundation’' engages market vendors to maintain computing infrastructure for the network.

The organizational tenants and any other type of E-tenant provisions these servers for their projects at different TRL levels and generic needs.

In many cases, the e-tenants may also contribute computing resources to their project through the shared responsibility model. They do so using a federated computing infrastructure model.

(1) By linking their cloud console account to the Foundation’s organisational account and accessing the network’s license manager, deployment charts, security best practices, and standards.

(2) Accounting for the contribution through the network’s intra-community token.

Therefore, the Foundation is responsible for setting up best practices for the security and data privacy standards for cloud computing resources, such as network interfaces to these resources.

All member data and content are stored in the different data residency zones, depending on the location of E residents and E tenants, and project tenancies .

Project tenancies are provisioned on third-party cloud computing servers , and procured by the principal data processor entity on behalf of the Open Constitution AI network.

Read more about network the AI network’s program-specific data residency zones here.


Access to private content through our CDN is always validated through our application servers using a complex permissions system and protocols driven in accordance with the Open Constitution Charters adopted by the network at any given time.

Third-party resources and Literature Review:

AWS Cloud

Google Cloud Compliance Resources
