Article 2. The annual general meeting is held digitally once a year from 15 October to 30 November through the electronic medium and digital commons infrastructure of the Open Constitution AI network, including, but not limited to, measures such as video conferencing by means of censorship-resilient, neutral, multi-media communications systems, which are employed on the Open Constitution AI network.
It The annual general meeting is notified by email to all members of the association, to the email addresses most recently provided to the association, by posting on the association’s website, and at least one public channel of the Open Constitution AI network, with at least 14 days’ notice.
Article 4. Candidates for the board and proposals to be considered at the general meeting must be received by the secretariat or a representative by means of an electronic filing in into the Open Constitution AI network’s governance system, as designated by the board, at the founding of the association, no later than fifteentwenty-one(1521) days before the general meeting.