Info |
Note: A Nominal Fee is charged to maintain the electronic ledgers for the lease records. Please Enter your Full Name and Address of your Startup and authenticate this Transaction. Unfortunately, a Vault Account is yet not active until a Startup subscribes to a Tenancy Lease, So you can only pay using a Credit or Debit Card. |
STEP 3: Request Account Verification:
In certain For Startup Account cases, your account may require to be verified, e.g to receive Third Party or Network Partner benefits, which require an account to be verified, as part of network policy.
To request verification, once logged in, please click on Request Verification in Account Settings.
If your account is verified, your startup should receive an email like below.
RESULT: E Lease is now activated.
You will be notified by email when your E Lease is activated. This is generally done within 7 days.