This page explains the data processing when Open Bank verifies a Trust membership account for an E Resident. All digital public goods and services deployed on the Open Constitution AI network are only accessible by a verified Trust membership account. Document Checks
Add an ID document:
Document checks verify the authenticity of government-issued identity documents. Foundation uses a combination of machine learning models, automated heuristic analysis and manual reviewers to verify the authenticity of hundreds of different document types.
Utility bills: gas, electric, or landline phone (no mobile phone bills)
A bank or credit card statement (photo/scan of a physical letter or PDF of statement)
A council tax bill, or a HMRC notification
Vehicle registration or tax
Photo driving licence showing your address and expiry date
Any other government or financial institution-issued document
Add a Selfie
While document checks provide a defence against the use of fraudulent identity documents, fraudsters can get access to legitimate stolen documents. To prevent this, the Open Bank service can perform selfie checks on your membership accounts.