Examples of sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to:
▪ Offering special benefits (including money, employment, goods or services)
to program participants in exchange for expressed, implied or demanded
sexual favors;
▪ Threats or insinuations that an individual’s refusal or unwillingness to submit
to sexual advances or demands will affect the person’s entitlement to
project assistance & support;
▪ Verbal conduct such as sexually derogatory remarks, graphic verbal
commentaries about an individual’s body or dress, sexually degrading words
used to describe an individual, sexually suggestive or obscene letters, notes,
emails or invitations, demeaning or inappropriate comments, name-calling,
innuendos, slurs, jokes, sexual advances or propositions;
▪ Visual conduct such as leering, sexual gestures, displaying or distributing
sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, graffiti posters or
magazines; or
Actual or threatened physical contact or conduct, such as patting, pinching, blocking
movements, or any other offensive touching.
Institutionalise Public Discussion Correspondence for Response:
The Danish Ministry of Justice: jm@jm.dk / http://www.justitsministeriet.dk/english.html
The National Police Commissioner: rpch@politi.dk / http://www.politi.dk/en/servicemenu/home/
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration: sm@sm.dk / http://english.sm.dk/Sider/Velkommen.aspx
The Ministry of Gender Equality: lige@lige.dk / http://uk.lige.dk/
The Danish Crime Prevention Council: dkr@dkr.dk
Citations & References: