Foundation invites Investors or organisations providing investment services to join the Open Source Exchange Program, create their profile on the Open-Bank portal, associate a Vault account in order to support social and sustainable startups on the Open Constitution network.
Gain access to a verified and updated startup directory
Avail network intelligence and Association records to make decision about Investments
Diversify your Investment Service
Enhance your Portfolio Stability
Avail Identity Governance and IP governance resources to conclude investment transactions
Use Open Treasury’s Escrow Services for secure and compliant fund payments to startups on Open Bank’s ledger.
Following types of Investor or Investment accounts are eligible for an Investor Access to the Open Constitution network:
Private or Individual Investor (same as individual member’s Vault account)
Public or Institutional Investors (create a tenant account here and activate E Lease)
Private Equity, Family Funds (create a tenant account here and activate E lease)
Following types of Investor Services are eligible for an Investor Access to the Open Constitution network:
(create a tenant account here and activate E Lease for all these types )
Wealth Advisor
Wealth Management Company
Asset Construction
Asset Management Company
Non-banking financial Company