Relevant FAQs
CouncilPost relies on the digital commons infrastructure, i.e., the Open Constitution AI network.
CouncilPost Articles of Association wllos for provision s to utilize the Open Constituion AI network’s digital commons infrastructure e.g.
CouncilPost Association maintains membership in the Open Constitution CVR: 43714775 to unlock intellectual property contents of the Open Constitution AI network for its members in the form of a beneficiary license.
The association bases its purpose for observing fundamental human rights, in accordance with the Guiding principles of the Open Constitution AI network, a digital commons infrastructure.
There are a few frequently asked questions in relation to the interruption in the activities of the members, which are pursuant to the purposes of the association, i.e. CouncilPost.
Q1. Can a state government (whether or not a member of this association) shut down access to the Open Constitution AI network to protect its own national interests over others?
Q2. Can the state government be held accountable for an action, if it results in blocked access to the Open Constitution AI network due to shutting down telecommunications services (e.g., Internet broadband, utility services) in a state of emergency or in a conflict-ridden region, from where a natural person member of the association has contributed their property (representation of sentience) onto the AI network?
Q3. How does a state government’s telecommunications shutdown lead to deprivation of an individual's fundamental civil right to enjoy a peaceful possession of their private property, which includes data representing their consciousness?
If the telecommunications networks are shut down by a state’s government, only partial access to the Open Constitution AI network is possible through offline mode by means of downloading materials on a natural person’s private devices.
A government censorship shutdown of telecommunications networks unlawfully deprives individuals of their private property, even if the intentions are good. Such outcomes are deemed illegal unless laws provide for executive ordinances to ensure that individuals' access to their private property remains intact during such shutdowns—whatever interests these shutdowns serve.
Exception: In the event of an ongoing litigation against any individual for which an appropriate court of jurisdiction warrants seeking custody of the individual’s private property, deployed as an artefact on the Open Constitution AI network (in this case, E Residency data), and upon which this association i.e. CouncilPost relies upon(as in §2 Purpose Article 2 above), specific measures are therefore deployed on the AI network’s public agency access mechanism to block access to the stated individual.