Learn Fellowship

Project Finscale C.W.C invites application from contributors above the age of 18, to apply in the Learn Fellowship program of the Open Constitution Network.

Fellowship eligibility for Project Finscale:

  1. Must be at least 18 years old at time of registration.

  2. Must be a student or an open source beginner.

  3. Must be eligible to work in their country of residence during duration of program.

What is Learn Fellowship?

Learn fellowship is an industrial research, training and mentorship program.

Program teaches fellows - product engineering and best practices for open source research.

Each year, Foundation invites both individual and corporate applicants from low and middle income economies to join Learn Fellowship.

Learn Fellowship mentors spend time in teaching individual and corporate affiliated members to code or research for open source projects, maintained by the OC network.

At the completion of the fellowship, Foundation certifies the contributors for product engineering skills.

Read more about Learn Fellowship Program.