Case Study 5: Odoo

Case Study 5: Odoo

This educational report discusses the invitation to participate in open source programs by governments and public project maintainers. The focus is on protecting volunteer contributions in various jurisdictions, implementing diversity best practices, following SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) best practices, ensuring security infrastructure best practices for open source software, clarifying intellectual property rights, and establishing data protection and processing best practices for open source software. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of project lifecycle governance.

Intellectual Property Name: Odoo, an Enterprise Resource Planning Software platform

License: Odoo 16 Community Edition is licensed under LGPL version 3 (also known as LGPLv3). See also the GPL FAQ and the compatibility matrix; Odoo 16 Enterprise Edition is licensed under the Odoo Enterprise Edition License v1.0, defined as follows:

Odoo Enterprise Edition License v1.0


Legal Bodies Involved: Odoo SA

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