Does someone updates Foundation's Communications Code?
''I don't want to be an idiot but maybe I don't like the language of 1970s, when the Foundation was founded.
Is there someone who edits or updates Open Constitution’s Communications Code?''
Foundation was started in 2019, not in 18th century, therefore, it is in touch with the global reality and the use of polarised language over the Internet.
It is true that human language is limited but perhaps not the human expressions. We try our best as a community to keep SPAM and lower intelligence cognitive language moderated in our global forums.
We are a safe and inclusive open community, and therefore continuous feedback on these guidelines is welcome
Notice: Amendments to the Guidelines of Foundation’s Communications Charter:
Media Council is the custodian of Code of Conduct guidelines and is responsible for introducing new proposals based on the recommendations from the members and following a general consensus in the community.
While these are not ultimate, please ensure that you are voluntarily following these guidelines and flag anything in communication which are against these guidelines.
How to propose changes? Upon building a community consensus on the change, any change request to these guidelines is peer reviewed by another member and added with a finalized language by the Media Council.
Clue: In case, a member does not have Foundation email and subsequent gitbook access, they are welcome to join with their personal email(with which they have subscribed to Foundation's membership). Members can also request for a Foundation's Google Workspace from the Media Committee members.
Read more on Open Access levels.
For details, read How to Change?