How to contribute to Program?

How to contribute to Program?

How can I contribute to Global Health Intelligence, which is published on this Open Constitution AI network?

A. For individuals

As an individual contributor, you can contribute to the open research that the Open Constitution's global community pursues - in this case, on issues related to global health. Contributors and Learn Fellows can bring their own research ideas to the area of global health.

  1. Learn Fellowship

  2. Join the mentorship body

Step 1: Activate the E Residency keys first.

Step 2: Access any network resource.

Do you want to get elected to the Open Council?

Steer the program with active contributions. Join the Program’s Steering Council or Steering CWC of any project described in the program.

How to file a nomination?

Steering CWC
Steering Council

B. For Organizations

For Private Entities

Participate as an SME company or fintech startup or a small research group, or a private enterprise.

Step 1: Activate Project Tenancy first.

Step 2: Then file a TRL proposal for the project in the Trust’s Governance Center.

Step 3: Access tenancy resources and move project from Technology Readiness Level(TRL 1 to 9). From incubation to production deployment on the digital commons infrastructure.

For Public Entities

Participate as a public health administrative agency, a government agency, or a social development agency.

Step 1: Activate Organization Tenancy

Step 2: Access Global Health intelligence network.






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