Bylaws: Fiscal host body of the Open Constitution AI network

Bylaws: Fiscal host body of the Open Constitution AI network

What is a constituent registered agent or fiscal host body of the Open Constitution AI network?

A fiscal Host is a legal fiduciary body of the extraterritorial Trust network in a local jurisdiction. The Foundation that runs the network is an extra territorial entity. Therefore, fiscal bodies constitute the Foundation, in accordance with Article II, IIIA, VIII, V A, VI A, XI A, XII.


What is Fiscal Hosting?

Fiscal hosting is where a legally registered organisation (the fiscal host, also known as Foundation's regional official representation) holds money, trust and fiduciary duties on behalf of Foundation's global community and open source intelligence network.


The first Fiscal Host was incorporated as Muellners "frivillig forening" Foundation, a voluntary association, in accordance with the Danish Business Authority in 2019.

Networked legal bodies have, thereafter, self-constituted across the planet in the form of Fiscal Hosts.

Who nominates and appoints subsequent registered agent or Fiscal hosts of the Open Constitution AI network?

The initial members in the jurisdiction adopt the Fiscal Host AoAs, specific to each jurisdiction. These are listed here.

Muellners Foundation is the lessor entity that awards the right to use assets to each Fiscal Host for claiming the Trust Network's beneficiary licenses.

Local Independent Boards in each Fiscal Host are constituted from these Fiduciary bodies.


The Executive Council, on behalf of the Open Council, appoints Fiscal Hosts in each member state of the UN as fiduciary bodies.

Fiscal Hosts also maintain local membership and beneficiary citizen registry. Fiscal Hosts maintain the Foundation's compliance with local business laws, besides holding trust and funds on behalf of the Muellners Foundation.

Global Statutes prescribe Articles and instruments to Fiscal Hosts to fully address compliance of constituent legal bodies of this Public Association's activities in the local jurisdictions e.g. in the context of the Information Technology Acts, Cyber Security Laws, Legal Contract Binding Acts, Business Laws etc.

The fiscal Host and the local members registered on the fiscal host continue to independently work on the local advocacy of the Foundation's guiding principles.

Each Fiscal Host appoints an Independent Board, which also represents the local community of the Foundation.

The local Independent Board members also appoint a third-party Data Protection Officer, an auditor and a chartered accountant in accordance with the Open Constitution, and based on regional requirements of compliance with business laws.

💁Treasury Council and other Open Council bodies are designed to screen Fiscal hosts, with independent and autonomous diligence where different artefacts are filed on the Open Constitution AI network Governance System by Steward Committee on behalf of fiscal hosts.

The Foundation also periodically reviews the Fiscal Hosts' local compliance through periodical (annual) audits.

The Treasury and Regulatory Compliance audits are released to the general public in the form of a quarterly "Transparency Report," regardless of whether local business laws require a fiscal audit.

The following members participate in the screening and diligence:

Fiscal Host's Steward Group, Legal CWC and Open Council bodies, namely Regulations, Legal and Treasury Council.



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