Tenancy TRL Upgrades

Tenancy TRL Upgrades


Please use reference diagram to learn more about the TRL request upgrades that are logged on the network.


TRL 1: Basic principles observed

• Identification of the new concept.
• Identification of the integration of the concept.
• Identification of expected barriers.
• Identification of applications.
• Identification of materials and technologies based on theoretical fundamen-
tals/literature data.
• Preliminary evaluation of potential benefits of the concept over the existing ones


At TRL 1, the focus is on observing basic principles such as identifying new concepts, integrating them, recognizing potential barriers, exploring applications, and selecting materials and technologies based on theoretical fundamentals or literature data. Additionally, a preliminary evaluation of the potential benefits of the concept over existing ones is conducted.

TRL 2: Technology concept formulated

• Enhanced knowledge of technologies, materials and interfaces is acquired.
• New concept is investigated and refined.
• First evaluation about the feasibility is performed.
• Initial numerical knowledge.
• Qualitative description of interactions between technologies.
• Definition of the prototyping approach and preliminary technical specifications
for laboratory test.


Technology Readiness Level 2 (TRL 2) involves formulating a technology concept. During this stage, one acquires enhanced knowledge of technologies, materials, and interfaces. The focus is on investigating and refining new concepts while performing the first evaluation of their feasibility. Additionally, initial numerical knowledge is gained along with qualitative descriptions of interactions between technologies. This phase also includes defining the prototyping approach and establishing preliminary technical specifications for laboratory tests.

TRL 3: Experimental proof of concept

• First laboratory scale prototype (proof-of-concept) or numerical model realized.
• Testing at laboratory level of the innovative technological element (being mate-
rial, sub-component, software tool, …), but not the whole integrated system.
• Key parameters characterizing the technology (or the fuel) are identified.
• Verification of the proof of concept through simulation tools and cross-validation
with literature data (if applicable).

TRL 4: Technology validated in lab


(Reduced scale) prototype developed and integrated with complementing sub-
systems at laboratory level.
• Validation of the new technology through enhanced numerical analysis (if appli-
• Key Performance Indicators are measurable.
• The prototype shows repeatable/stable performance (either TRL4 or TRL5, de-
pending on the technology)


TRL 5: Technology validated in relevant environment

• Integration of components with supporting elements and auxiliaries in the (large
scale) prototype.
• Robustness is proven in the (simulated) relevant working environment.
• The prototype shows repeatable/stable performance (either TRL4 or TRL5, de-
pending on the technology).
• The process is reliable and the performances match the expectations (either TRL5
or TRL6, depending on the technology).
• Other relevant parameters concerning scale-up, environmental, regulatory and
socio-economic issues are defined and qualitatively assessed.

TRL 6: Technology pilot demonstrated in relevant environment

• Demonstration in relevant environment of the technology fine-tuned to a variety
of operating conditions.
• The process is reliable and the performances match the expectations (either TRL5
or TRL6, depending on the technology).
• Interoperability with other connected technologies is demonstrated.
• Manufacturing approach is defined (either TRL6 or TRL7, depending on the tech-
• Environmental, regulatory and socio-economic issues are addressed.

TRL 7: System prototype demonstration in operational environment

• (Full scale) pre-commercial system is demonstrated in operational environment.
• Compliancy with relevant environment conditions, authorization issues, local/na-
tional standards is guaranteed, at least for the demo site.
• The integration of upstream and downstream technologies has been verified and
• Manufacturing approach is defined (either TRL6 or TRL7, depending on the tech-

TRL 8: System complete and qualified

• Technology experimented in deployment conditions (i.e. real world) and has
proven its functioning in its final form.
• Manufacturing process is stable enough for entering a low-rate production.
• Training and maintenance documentation are completed.
• Integration at system level is completed and mature.
• Full compliance with obligations, certifications and standards of the addressed

TRL 9: Actual system proven in operational environment

• Technology proven fully operational and ready for commercialization
• Full production chain is in place and all materials are available
• System optimized for full rate production




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