Regulator Search Tool

Regulator Search Tool


Advanced Search on public facing records of Open Source Public Projects, using Foundation AI: Sentient Bot

Regulator Database is activated for Organization or Public Agency Access on the network.

Source(s) url in the machine for Public Facing Records Include:

  1. Mailing Lists of Projects

  2. Project’s website or social media activity or maintainer reports(if public)

  3. Maintainer Organization Reports - Technical Audit Reports

  4. Third Party Audit Reports for Maintainer Organization e.g Financial Activity

  5. Project’s Github repository(if source code is publicly hosted)

  6. Type of Licensing agreement attributed

  7. Project I.P Contributions Log(if public)

  8. Project I.P Assignment Log(if public)

Read more about assessment criteria used for open source financial technology projects.

Maintained by Muellners Foundation, Denmark